Tours from

Cala Nova Beach


10:00 hs

Visitaremos el mundialmente famoso mercado hippie de “Las Dalias”, que fue fundado en 1954. Tendremos tiempo libre (60 minutos) para ir de compras y disfrutar de las atracciones del mercado. Nuestra siguiente parada es en el pueblo de San Carlos, donde podrá apreciar la austera belleza de la iglesia del siglo XVIII y visitar Anita's Bar, el bar más antiguo de la isla.
Después nos dirigimos hasta Cala Martina, y pasando el interior de la isla os llevamos de vuelta a Cala Llonga.


10:00 hs

We will visit the traditional hippie market of “Es Canar”. The trip takes us along country roads, which is a good way to see inland and enjoy the island's typical landscapes. We will have free time (80 minutes) to visit the market, go shopping and enjoy its attractions. Afterwards we drive to the beautiful bay of Cala Nova and passing the interior of the island we bring you back to Cala Llonga.


Monday - Tuesday - Thursday
10:00 hs

An enjoyable and relaxing excursion, travelling leisurely with frequent stops, with enough time for photography, sunbathing and drinks. After leaving Santa Eulalia we take country lanes to the fishermen's cove Pou Des Lleó. During the excursion, you will have beautiful views of the little island of Tagomago and one of the 7 watching towers of the island. Afterwards, we stop at the bay of Cala Boix, time to appreciate the dark sanded beach. Then will arrive at the beach of Es Figueral , lovely quite little beach, where you will have enough time for a swim and another drink.. We have the last stop at the well known village of San Carlos, where you can appreciate the austere beauty of the 18th century church, and visit Anita´s Bar, the oldest bar on the island, before returning to Cala Llonga.


Tuesday - Thursday
15:00 hs

This excursion offers you the opportunity to enjoy the real Ibiza countryside, visiting the typical village of San Carlos, where you can appreciate the austere beauty of the 18th century church, and visit Anita´s Bar, the oldest bar on the island. Then we will visit a typical old farm house from the 17 century (admission included). There you can appreciate all daily used utensils. Afterwards we drive to the beautiful bay of Cala Nova and passing the interior of the island we bring you back to Cala Llonga.

Available from: 1 May to 31 October / Price: adults 20 euros, children (4 - 11 years) 10 euros
Tickets: available on the train, only cash payment / Duration: 4 hours
Departs from: Leaving from the tourist office in Cala Llonga (opposite the beach)
Minimum participants: 10 / Maximum participants: 56
Language: English, Spanish, German and French
Drinks & snacks: can be purchased at some of the stops along the way
Recommendations: we advise you to bring water, sun cream and a swimming costum

Find the station on the map.